Shipping Info

Our products are shipped from our US based warehouse within 2 working days.

US delivery time averages 5-7 working days after being shipped via USPS.

International delivery time averages 14 days, but can take up to  28 working days in some cases.

If you have any questions whatsoever please reach out to a member of our team using our contact form and we will be more than happy to help.

Customs Duties and Taxes:

Please note that customs duties and taxes are not included in the retail price. You may be required to pay import duty/tax upon the product's delivery, depending on your country's tax and customs policies.

Order Being Held in Customs:

Some countries ask for import duties and taxes to be paid for upon arrival of receiving the parcel, which can sometimes cause an order to be delayed. Generally, the process for customs takes a few days, and in some cases is a few weeks.

If you don't see movement on your parcel feel free to contact us at